

A collection of video directing and editing projects for musician Luther Russell, publisher Curbside Splendor and trailers for GalleryBeat.

Luther Russell: "A World Unknown" (Official Video)

Luther Russell: "Dead Sun Blues" (Official Video)

Twitter Brand Strategy Team Reel

Resistance: Fall of Man (Pitch)

The Irresistible Urge of Fancy (Trailer)

"Birthrite" by Stacy Rock

Curbside Splendor: "In the Hotel" by Chalres Bane Jr.

"Crash Burn and Die" by MOA (Official Video)

"Come Beloved" by Charles Bane Jr.

GalleryBeat: Venice to Venice (Extended Trailer)

GalleryBeat: Decoded | Jim Evans

Curbside Splendor: "Piano Rats" by Franki Elliot | Featuring "Blue Jeans"

"My Old Soul" by Charles Bane Jr.